Sustainable Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Updated on Feb 25, 2024 | Saudi e-Visa

Welcome, adventurous souls, to the enchanting world of sustainable tourism in the captivating kingdom of Saudi Arabia! As we embark on this thrilling journey, let us delve into the realm of responsible travel and discover the great importance of sustainable tourism in this majestic land of treasures.

Picture a harmonious dance between nature, culture, and community, where travelers become guardians of the destinations they visit. Sustainable tourism, my fellow wanderers, is precisely that magical interplay—a conscientious approach that aims to preserve the environment, honor cultural heritage, and empower local communities for generations to come. It is an invitation to explore with purpose, leaving footprints of inspiration and goodwill.

Now, let us set our sights on the mystical realm of Saudi Arabia, a land brimming with historical wonders, awe-inspiring landscapes, and rich cultural tapestries. This desert kingdom recognizes the paramount significance of sustainable tourism, as it not only preserves the magnificence of its natural and cultural heritage but also nurtures the well-being of its people.

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Destination Highlight Saudi Arabia

Prepare to be transported to a land of untamed beauty, where ancient traditions coexist with modern marvels—Saudi Arabia, a jewel in the crown of the Arabian Peninsula. This mystical kingdom has emerged from its historical cocoon, embracing its rich heritage and opening its doors to intrepid travelers seeking extraordinary experiences.

With its vast expanses of golden deserts, majestic mountain ranges, and pristine coastlines, Saudi Arabia paints a breathtaking canvas for adventurers yearning to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature. But beyond its natural splendor, this land pulsates with a vibrant tapestry of culture, where ancient civilizations have left their indelible mark. From towering palaces and awe-inspiring fortresses to bustling souks and vibrant festivals, Saudi Arabia is a treasure trove of cultural marvels waiting to be discovered.

Explore Protected Areas

The Kingdom's diverse landscapes will leave you spellbound. Lose yourself in the ethereal beauty of the Rub' al Khali, the world's largest uninterrupted sand desert. Traverse the rugged beauty of the Asir Mountains, where hidden valleys and lush terraces beckon. Dive into the cerulean depths of the Red Sea, unveiling a kaleidoscope of coral reefs teeming with marine life. Saudi Arabia is a haven for nature enthusiasts, offering an array of adventures, including camel treks, sandboarding, hiking, and snorkeling.

Asir National Park

Embark on a journey to the stunning Asir National Park, nestled amidst the rugged beauty of the Asir Mountains. Explore its diverse ecosystems, hike along picturesque trails, and witness breathtaking vistas of towering peaks, lush valleys, and cascading waterfalls. Remember to stick to designated paths, refrain from disturbing wildlife, and leave no trace of your presence.

Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area

Dive into the pristine waters surrounding the Farasan Islands, a haven for marine life. Snorkel or scuba dive amidst vibrant coral reefs, encounter playful dolphins, and marvel at an array of colorful fish. Respect the delicate marine ecosystem by avoiding physical contact with corals and marine creatures, and follow responsible diving practices.

Al-Hofuf Oasis

Immerse yourself in the serenity of Al-Hofuf Oasis, a lush green paradise in the heart of the Arabian desert. Take a leisurely stroll through the palm groves, relish the soothing shade, and savor the sweet taste of fresh dates. Support sustainable agricultural practices by purchasing local produce, such as dates and fruits, directly from farmers.

Al-Nofan Eco-Park

Discover the wonders of Al-Nofan Eco-Park, a pristine nature reserve near Riyadh. Embark on nature walks, bird-watching expeditions, or cycling adventures through its scenic landscapes. Observe the rich biodiversity, including rare plant species and migratory birds, while adhering to park guidelines to preserve its fragile ecosystem.

Empty Quarter (Rub' al Khali)

Embark on a mesmerizing expedition into the mystical depths of the Empty Quarter, the largest continuous sand desert in the world. Traverse the undulating golden dunes, camp under a star-studded sky, and experience the tranquility of this vast wilderness. Practice responsible desert travel by leaving no trace, respecting the fragile desert ecosystem, and following safety guidelines.

Edge of the World

Witness the jaw-dropping majesty of the Edge of the World, a stunning geological formation located near Riyadh. Gaze upon the endless expanse of the desert plateau as it meets the dramatic cliffs, creating a surreal panorama. Stay on designated paths, refrain from littering, and revel in the serenity of this awe-inspiring natural wonder.

Remember, when exploring protected areas in Saudi Arabia, it is crucial to prioritize preservation and respect for the environment. Follow any regulations or guidelines set by the authorities, ensure your activities do not harm wildlife or disturb ecosystems, and always leave these natural havens as pristine as you found them. By embracing sustainable practices, you can forge a deeper connection with Saudi Arabia's natural treasures while safeguarding them for generations to come.

Support Local Communities

Visit Local Markets and Souks

Explore the vibrant local markets and souks scattered across Saudi Arabia. These bustling hubs offer a glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage and provide opportunities to support local artisans, craftsmen, and small businesses. Purchase traditional handicrafts, textiles, spices, or artwork directly from the artisans, ensuring that your money directly benefits the local community.

Homestays and Local Accommodations

Opt for accommodations that promote community-based tourism, such as homestays or guesthouses run by local families or communities. This allows you to experience the authentic Saudi Arabian hospitality while directly supporting the local economy. Engage in cultural exchanges, share meals with the hosts, and gain insights into their way of life.

Participate in Local Experiences

Seek out immersive experiences that connect you with the local community. Join traditional music and dance performances, attend local festivals or events, or engage in workshops where you can learn traditional crafts, cooking techniques, or traditional forms of art. These activities not only provide enriching experiences but also contribute to preserving cultural traditions and supporting local artists and performers.

Local Food and Cuisine

Indulge in the flavors of Saudi Arabia by dining at local restaurants and street food stalls. Seek out eateries that serve authentic Saudi Arabian cuisine prepared with locally sourced ingredients. By supporting local food establishments, you contribute to the livelihood of local farmers, fishermen, and culinary entrepreneurs while savoring the authentic tastes of the region.

Engage with Local Guides

When exploring tourist sites or embarking on guided tours, choose local guides who possess deep knowledge of the region and its cultural heritage. Their expertise will enhance your experience and provide valuable insights into the local traditions, history, and customs.

Volunteering and Community Projects

Look for opportunities to engage in volunteer activities or community projects during your visit to Saudi Arabia. Collaborate with local organizations working on environmental conservation, community development, or educational initiatives. By dedicating your time and skills, you can make a positive impact and foster sustainable growth within the local communities.

Supporting local communities goes beyond financial contributions. Interact respectfully, show genuine interest in their way of life, and engage in meaningful cultural exchanges. Your engagement and support can help preserve traditions, uplift local economies, and foster a sense of pride within the communities you encounter.

Respect Cultural Heritage

Learn about Local Customs and Etiquette

Before your trip, take the time to familiarize yourself with the cultural norms, customs, and etiquette of Saudi Arabia. Respect for local traditions is essential to preserve cultural heritage. Dress modestly, particularly when visiting religious sites, and follow any specific guidelines or dress codes that may be in place.

Observe and Follow Cultural Practices

While visiting historical sites, museums, or religious landmarks, pay attention to and abide by the rules and regulations in place. Respect the sanctity of the spaces you enter, such as mosques or temples, and follow any instructions provided by authorities or local guides.

Seek Permission for Photography

If you wish to take photographs of people, particularly locals or religious sites, always seek permission first. Be sensitive to cultural preferences, as some individuals or places may not be comfortable being photographed. It is important to respect the privacy and wishes of others.

Preserve Historical Sites

When visiting historical sites, archaeological sites, or heritage buildings, treat them with care and respect. Refrain from touching or damaging structures, artifacts, or rock art. These treasures provide invaluable insights into the country's history and should be preserved for future generations.

Support Cultural Preservation Efforts

Seek out and support initiatives and organizations that are dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Saudi Arabia's cultural heritage. Consider making donations or contributing to projects aimed at conserving historical sites, documenting oral traditions, or promoting traditional arts and crafts.

Engage in Cultural Exchanges

Embrace opportunities to engage with local communities, learn from their traditions, and participate in cultural exchanges. Attend local festivals, interact with artisans, and join workshops to gain insights into Saudi Arabian customs, music, dance, or cuisine. Respectful engagement fosters mutual understanding and appreciation for cultural heritage.

Educate Yourself

Take the time to educate yourself about the history, art, and cultural significance of the places you visit in Saudi Arabia. Understand the stories behind the sites and artifacts you encounter, enabling you to appreciate and respect their cultural value.

By respecting and valuing the cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia, you contribute to its preservation and help ensure that future generations can continue to learn and appreciate its rich history. Through your actions and interactions, you become an ambassador for cultural understanding and respect, fostering a deeper connection with the people and traditions of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia's rich cultural heritage is beautifully showcased through its historical sites and cultural landscapes. From the pre-Islamic period to the Islamic era, and from coastal regions to mountainous landscapes, the country offers a diverse range of attractions for tourists to explore and appreciate. Learn more at Tourist Guide to Historical Sites in Saudi Arabia.

Choose Sustainable Accommodations

Choose Sustainable Accommodations

Eco-Friendly Hotels

Look for accommodations that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Seek out hotels that have implemented energy-efficient measures, such as using renewable energy sources or energy-saving technologies. Additionally, inquire about their waste management strategies, water conservation efforts, and recycling initiatives.

Green Certifications

Check if the accommodations have received any green certifications or eco-labels, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Green Globe. These certifications indicate that the property meets specific sustainability standards and follows environmentally friendly practices.

Locally Owned and Operated

Support locally owned and operated accommodations, such as boutique hotels, bed and breakfasts, or guesthouses. By choosing these establishments, you contribute directly to the local economy and support small businesses.

Sustainable Building Design

Consider accommodations that have been constructed with sustainable building materials or have implemented green building design principles. Look for features like natural lighting, efficient insulation, or rainwater harvesting systems that reduce the environmental impact of the property.

Organic and Locally Sourced Food

Choose accommodations that prioritize serving organic, locally sourced, and seasonal food options. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and supports local farmers and producers.

Water and Energy Conservation

Inquire about the accommodations' water and energy conservation practices. Look for features such as low-flow showerheads, motion-sensor lighting, or energy-efficient appliances to minimize resource consumption during your stay.

Waste Reduction Initiatives

Ask about the property's waste reduction initiatives, such as recycling programs or composting practices. Supporting accommodations that prioritize waste management and recycling helps minimize the environmental impact of your stay.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Some accommodations offer educational programs or initiatives that raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. Look for opportunities to learn about the local ecosystem, conservation efforts, or cultural heritage during your stay.

Transportation Options

Consider accommodations that provide or encourage sustainable transportation options, such as bike rentals, public transportation information, or shuttle services. This allows you to explore the destination while minimizing your carbon footprint.

Guest Engagement

Engage with the accommodations in discussions about sustainability and offer feedback on their practices. By expressing your interest in sustainable initiatives, you encourage them to further prioritize environmental responsibility.

Choosing sustainable accommodations supports the hospitality industry's transition towards more environmentally friendly practices. By opting for eco-conscious options, you contribute to reducing the impact on the environment while enjoying a comfortable and responsible stay in Saudi Arabia.

Support Sustainable Dining

  • Locally Sourced and Organic Food Look for restaurants that prioritize locally sourced and organic ingredients. By supporting establishments that utilize local produce, you contribute to reducing the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and support local farmers and producers.
  • Farm-to-Table Restaurants Seek out farm-to-table restaurants that have direct partnerships with local farmers. These establishments prioritize seasonal ingredients and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Enjoy fresh, flavorful meals while supporting a more sustainable food system.
  • Seafood Sustainability If you're dining at seafood restaurants, inquire about their sustainability practices. Choose establishments that source seafood responsibly, adhering to sustainable fishing methods and avoiding endangered or overfished species. This helps protect marine ecosystems and supports the long-term viability of fishing communities.
  • Plant-Based and Vegetarian Options Consider trying plant-based or vegetarian restaurants that offer delicious and sustainable alternatives to meat-based dishes. Plant-based diets have a lower carbon footprint and can help reduce the environmental impact of food production.
  • Waste Reduction Support restaurants that prioritize waste reduction initiatives. Look for establishments that minimize food waste through practices like portion control, composting, or partnerships with food donation programs. Opt for restaurants that use eco-friendly packaging and utensils to minimize single-use plastics.
  • Support Local Food Initiatives Explore local food initiatives, such as farmers' markets or food cooperatives, where you can directly purchase local produce and artisanal products. Engage with these community-driven initiatives, support local food entrepreneurs, and savor the flavors of Saudi Arabia while contributing to the local economy.
  • Cultural Dining Experiences Seek out opportunities to experience traditional Saudi Arabian cuisine and dining customs. Engage in cultural dining experiences that not only offer authentic flavors but also support local chefs, traditional cooking techniques, and preservation of culinary heritage.

By choosing sustainable dining options, you can enjoy delicious meals while supporting environmentally friendly practices and the local food economy. Your choices contribute to a more sustainable and responsible food system, benefiting both the environment and local communities in Saudi Arabia.

Practice Responsible Wildlife Interactions

  • Observe from a Distance When encountering wildlife, maintain a respectful distance to avoid causing stress or disturbance. Use binoculars or a zoom lens to observe animals without intruding on their natural behaviors.
  • Follow Local Guidelines Familiarize yourself with any guidelines or regulations provided by local authorities or tour operators regarding wildlife interactions. These guidelines are in place to protect both the animals and the visitors.
  • Do Not Feed Wildlife Feeding wild animals can disrupt their natural foraging behaviors and lead to dependency on humans. It can also contribute to the spread of diseases. Appreciate wildlife in their natural habitats without offering them food.
  • Respect Protected Areas If you're visiting protected areas or national parks, follow designated trails and respect any restricted areas. These regulations are in place to protect the habitats and minimize human impact on wildlife.
  • Reduce Single-Use Plastics Bring Reusable Water Bottles and Utensils Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it at water stations or ask for refills at restaurants. Similarly, carry reusable utensils such as bamboo or stainless steel cutlery to avoid using disposable plastic utensils.
  • Use Cloth Shopping Bags Carry a reusable cloth bag or backpack for your shopping needs. Avoid accepting plastic bags from stores and shops, and instead opt for your own eco-friendly bag.
  • Say No to Plastic Straws When ordering beverages, request drinks without plastic straws or carry your own reusable straw made of materials like stainless steel or bamboo.
  • Choose Eco-Friendly Packaging When purchasing snacks or takeaway meals, opt for products that use minimal or eco-friendly packaging. Avoid individually wrapped items or excessive packaging.

Choose Sustainable Transportation

Choose Sustainable Transportation

Utilize public transportation options such as buses, trains, or trams when exploring cities or traveling between destinations. This helps reduce carbon emissions associated with individual vehicles.

Walk or Cycle

Embrace walking or cycling as a means of transportation for short distances. It allows you to enjoy the surroundings, reduce pollution, and stay active.


When traveling with a group or exploring remote areas where public transportation is limited, consider carpooling with other travelers to minimize the number of vehicles on the road.


Saudi Arabia is a treasure trove of diverse ecosystems, from the crimson dunes of the Empty Quarter to the pristine coral reefs of the Red Sea. By embracing sustainable tourism practices, the kingdom strives to safeguard these fragile ecosystems, ensuring they remain untouched by the perils of reckless exploitation.

Moreover, sustainable tourism in Saudi Arabia empowers local communities by providing economic opportunities and promoting cultural preservation. Through responsible travel, visitors are encouraged to immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of Saudi Arabian traditions, supporting local artisans, craftsmen, and indigenous communities. This synergy of preservation and progress lays the foundation for a brighter, more inclusive future.

So, dear travelers, as we embark on this captivating journey through the heart of Saudi Arabia, let us unlock the secrets of sustainable tourism, marvel at its profound significance, and witness the delicate balance between development and conservation. Together, we can ensure that Saudi Arabia's natural wonders remain unspoiled and its cultural heritage flourishes, allowing future generations to revel in its splendor.

Online Saudi Arabia tourist visas are available for leisure and tourism, not for employment, education, or business. You can quickly apply for a Saudi Arabia tourist visa online if your nation is one that Saudi Arabia accepts for tourist visas. Learn more at Saudi Arabia Tourist Visa.

Check your eligibility for Online Saudi Visa and apply for Online Saudi Visa 72 hours in advance of your flight. British citizens, US citizens, Australian citizens, French citizens, Spanish Citizens, Dutch Citizens and Italian citizens can apply online for Online Saudi Visa. Should you need any help or require any clarifications you should contact our Saudi Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.